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Regional Call for Application: The Voice of Youth on Establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office

voiceRegional network of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, the Center for Balkan Cooperation LOJA and the Franco-German Youth Office are pleased to announce the call for application for three seminars that will be organized in the light of establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office.
During the Paris Summit on the Western Balkans which will take place on 4th of July prime ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia will sign the declaration on establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. This office will provide youth in the Western Balkans with opportunities to participate in cross-border exchange programs that will contribute to the process of reconciliation and improve of the regional cooperation.
Since young people are the main beneficiaries of the future Regional Youth Cooperation Office, as well as they already gained a lot of experience through various regional programs organized on nongovernmental level, it is of crucial importance that their voice is heard. Three seminars will be organized as platform for young people to share their opinion about the importance of dealing with the war past and European integrations as well as initiate the discussion on how their personal lives were changed after participation in youth exchange programs.
We are inviting young people to apply for one of three seminars:
  • The Role of Youth in Reconciliation Process in the Region
Seminar will take place in Belgrade between July 2nd and 4th. It is open for 30 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia.
  • Regional Perspective on EU Integrations
Seminar will take place in Podgorica between July 2nd and 4th. It is open for 20 participants from Kosovo and Montenegro.
  • My Personal Experience in Youth Exchanges
Seminar will take place in Tirana between July 2nd and 4th. It is open for 20 participants from Albania and Macedonia.
Since these three seminars are organized as a part of side event that supports the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office, the results of the work of 70 people gathered in Belgrade, Podgorica and Tirana will be presented at the conference which will take place in Paris on July 4th. This conference will be organized for youth from Europe and attended by all regional ministers in charge for youth polices.
Application requirements for participants:
  • Age between 18 and 30;
  • Come from one of seven target countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia;
  • Fluent in English;
  • Highly interested in the process of improvement of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans;
  • Participated in some of regional cross-border programs (for seminar in Tirana this is especially preferable);
  • Candidates from smaller communities outside of regional centers and capitals are encouraged to apply.
Deadline for application is June 24th. You can find the form for application HERE.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please bear in mind that candidates from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia can apply only for seminar in Belgrade, from Kosovo and Montenegro for seminar in Podgorica and from Albania and Macedonia for seminar in Tirana. The organizers will covers costs of transportation, accommodation and meals during all planned activities.