Home [treninzi] Poziv za učešće na omladinskoj razmeni Source of power, energy and life...

Poziv za učešće na omladinskoj razmeni Source of power, energy and life – Water


aa-happy-people-2-624x300Inkluzivni pokret poziva mlade od 18-30 godina da se prijave na učešće u omladinskoj razmeni Source of power, energy and life –Water koja će se održati od 17.06.-26.06.2016 u Ključu, Bosni i Hercegovini.


Tema omladinske razmene je edukacija mladih o životnoj sredini i zaštiti voda. Na razmeni učestvoaće 35 učesnika iz Bosne, Turske, Srbije, Makedonije, Nemačke, Italije i Španije. Iz Srbije učestvovaće 5 učesnika. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da naučite nešto novo o zaštiti voda, upoznate Naconalni park Una, planinarite, idete na rafting,  upoznate se sa kulturom drugih zemalja i steknete nove prijatelje pošaljite popunjen formular do 5.5.2016. godine. Troškovi smeštaja, hrane i prevoza do 80€ biće pokriveni od strane organizatora. Projekat je finansiran od strane Evropske unije, program Erasmus+. Učesnici koji budu izabrani na razmenu, a nisu platili godišnju članarinu moraće da je plate pre polaska na razmenu. Ukoliko imate neko pitanje pozovite 063366029 ili posaljite mejl na

Content and aim

With this Youth Exchange we are going to bring participants back to the nature in order to equip them with all the much needed knowledge and experience about– water. The youth exchange takes place in the surrounding of Kljuc, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Youth Exchange will  bring together 35 participants from Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Italy, Spain and Germany.

Despite its simple subject ‘water’ our project is cross sectorial including physics, mathematics, geography, public politics, economy and ecology. The project is designed like an adventurous study visit, but it bases on the ability and commitment of the participants to the topics in depth by utilizing all available internet resources, investigating into the knowledge of stakeholders and professionals on all level (farmers, tourist managers, fishermen, sportists, public local administration, water companies, waste companies, energy producing company), understanding the necessity to generate consensus of common public interest and to find an equilibrium of contradicting interests.

We will show young participants and accompanying youth workers that there is many more things that connects water to their life than just the simple act of having to drink it for them to be glass. We will show them how humanity transformed and used water by going to the actual places where this happens. But we also expect that youngsters that come to our project give us insight into their own daily life and a bout the usage of water and the connected problems in their home community. We will also see first-hand how management of water transformed during the years, since Bosnia & Herzegovina still uses older and most modern techniques parallel. We will visit dams, rivers, landscapes, water companies, heating companies, waste management facilities, areas that were affected by floods, hills that are prone to landslides, farms and food plantations. We strongly urge our participants to read into the topic beforehand and check the experiences of their countries so that we all can learn much more at the end.

We want youngsters to grasp the versatility of water issues that shape our communities. We also want them to experience the results of carelessness and how human interferences creates floods and landslides. At last we want to introduce them to water as ‘public good’ and a matter of ‘public policy’, which regulates its distribution and preservation. We also want to give our participants the opportunity to understand and compare the conditions in other countries in order to join forces for a better and more efficient usage of water and to experience the necessity of transnational (EU) action for its preservation.
