Home [treninzi] Konkurs za učesnike/ce na „Turning young people’s needs into an action plan...

Konkurs za učesnike/ce na „Turning young people’s needs into an action plan for inclusive community growth“


Centar za razvojnu politiku i saradnju (CRPS) ima zadovoljstvo da vas pozove da se prijavite na konkurs za omladinski trening “Turning young people’s needs into an action plan for inclusive community growth” koja će se održati u Kaltaniseti u Italiji od 16. do 24. septembar 2015. godine.

Pravo prijavljivanja i učešća imaju svi mladi iz Srbije starosti od 18 do 27 godina. Prijavljivanje se vrši popunjavanjem aplikacione forme (ispod), za više informacija pišite isključivo na mail konkurs@crps.org.rs sa nazivom mail-a “Sicilija”.


Organizator snosi troškove smeštaja i hrane. Učesnicima će biti refundirani putni troškovi u visini do 275 evra. Planirana je dvodnevna poseta Palermu sa noćenjem.

Radni jezik je engleski.

Slanjem aplikacije izjavljujete da se slažete sa uslovima prijavljivanja i učešća.

Važni datumi:
20.-26.08.2015 (23:59) – Rok za prijave.
26- 29.08.2015 – Kontaktiranje odabranih učesnika.
29.08.2015 – Rok za uplatu participacije (u iznosu od € 15) za odabrane učesnike.
30.08.2015 – Predstavljanje programa i potpisivanje ugovora o učešću.
16.-24.09.2015 – Program “Turning young people’s needs into an action plan for inclusive community growth”


“Turning young people’s needs into an action plan for inclusive community growth” is a 7
days training course involving 33 youth workers and 11 youth organizations from EU and
Western Balkans countries (Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Kosovo, The
Netherlands, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia). The training
course provides a non-formal and creative training linking project cycle management with
non-formal education, providing youth workers with knowledge, key competences and
practical tools needed for the development and delivery of community-based projects.
Participants are than guided through the various stages of project management: from the
analysis phase (problem analysis, analysis of objectives, strategy analysis), the planning
phase (the logframe matrix) to allocation of resources and budget (work breakdown
structure). Finally participants will be engaged to successfully turn common ideas into an
action plan that responds to identified young people community’s needs. The overall goal
is to engage youth workers from EU and Western Balkans partner countries to step up into
leadership roles, showing how project management can be effective in empowering them
in nonviolent transformation of their local and global communities.

– To provide youth workers with knowledge, skills and practical tools related to the project
management and community development.
– To involve youth workers in the strategic planning of services and projects that are
responsive to identified young people’s community needs.
– To develop a cross-cultural understanding of different youth work experiences in both
European and Western Balkans countries.
– To facilitate opportunities for networking and partnerships between youth workers and
organizations in EU and Western Balkans countries.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TC is structured in practical workshops where participants learn by doing on the basis
of key concepts and trainers guidelines. Main working methods used are:
– Peer and cooperative learning
– Reciprocal Maieutic Approach (RMA, Danilo Dolci)
– Theatre and drama in education (with emphasis on theatre of the oppressed, A. Boal)
– Team building and cooperative work
– Overall the four pillars of learning of UNESCO: learning to know, learning to do, learning
to be, learning to live together


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