Home [akcija] Training Course “Reducing electronic waste and promotion of EU citizenship”

Training Course “Reducing electronic waste and promotion of EU citizenship”


Training Course is about promoting new ways of youth employment by using Small Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (SWEEE) as a method for social inclusion of young people with economic obstacles – youth with a low standard of living, promotion awareness about waste as global issue and raising EU Citizenship activities.


Who we are:


The host organization is NGO Ekomuna from Novi Sad, Serbia.


Ekomuna Citizens Association was founded as a non-governmental and non-profit organization.

  • Promoting new technologies, Internet and other broadband network

  • Assistance in finding ways to waste disposal technology and materials harmful for the environment

  • Raising healthy environmental awareness in society

  • Collecting and processing scientific and professional literature in the field of environmental protection and promotion of new technologies

  • Organizing expert meetings, seminars and conferences

  • Cooperation with universities, professional associations and other organizations in the country and abroad that deal with similar problems

More info: http://ekomuna.org/en



Nebojsa Djeric – experienced Salto trainer


Second trainer will be selected after we publish call for trainers.



About the Project


Training Course is about promoting new ways of employment using Small Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (SWEEE) as a method for social inclusion of young people with economic obstacles – youth with a low standard of living, promotion awareness about waste as global issue and raising EU Citizenship activities.




The main goal of our training course “Reducing electronic waste and promotion of EU citizenship” is to offer to participants new learning approach of waste and demystification of this topic that can lead to young people better opportunities for self employment and promotion of EU citizenship values. On our TC participants will use those learning methods in everyday work with young people with economic obstacles – youth with a low standard of living in their local community life.

Idea is to show how recycled materials from small waste electronic and electrical equipment (SWEEE) can be reused like cheap recourse. We can solve several problems with reusing them. One of them is to improve living conditions by decreasing amount of waste in our local communities. The second one is to gain materials that we can use to create some new and useful products and the main goal is to give to young people chance to learn new skills which can help to them to get easier access to employment.


Activities on our training course: presentation of Youth in Action Program and informing unemployed youth about new possibilities, non-formal education and informal way of learning, ice-breakers, team building exercises, individual and group activities, work on practical examples in a small groups, discussions, debates, presentations, project proposal writing, thematic recycling workshops, study visit of local NGO’s and Governmental institutions that are working with SWEEE, workshops of making new products from recycled materials and exhibition of final products that are made on our training course.

Target group on our training course are people actively involved in work with young people with economic obstacles – youth with a low standard of living (youth workers, volunteers, youth leaders, play workers, NGO activists, school teachers, social workers).




  • to promote the access of unemployed young people to the Youth in Action Program.

  • to raise awareness of participants about European Year of Citizens

  • to raise young people’s awareness in tackling global environmental challenges

  • to mobilize young people to think about ecological topic and thus encouraging the development of “green” skills

  • to foster social inclusion and the active youth citizens participation of young people in society and their commitment for more sustainable growth

  • to stimulate unemployed young people’s mobility and active citizen’s participation in society that aiming to promote democracy values of Europe

  • to encourage young people’s awareness and commitment to tackling poverty and marginalization for a more inclusive society using environmental issues (3R – reuse, reduce, recycle)

  • to contribute participants development of ecological capabilities and skills in youth work using learning and ecological methods (3R – reuse, reduce, recycle)

  • to promote non – formal education and informal learning as a tool for self employment of young people through environmental issues

Working language:

English – all participants must be able to actively communicate using English language



Period of realization:

From 4th to 11th November 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia




Novi Sad, Serbia



All interested Program countries and Neighboring Partner countries.


100% for accommodation will be covered and 70% of travel cost (Apex tickets) will be reimbursed after receiving original receipts.

If you are interested to become partner organization in our project please send to us:

Filled, Signed, Stamped and Scanned partnership agreement from attachment, by E-mail on:



Please: As we are applying on 1st February deadline, be as fast as possible in sending to us preliminary agreement and partnership identification and do not forget to send us approximately your travel costs from your home town to Novi Sad, Serbia.


Deadline for receiving preliminary agreement and partnership identification is 25th of January 2013.


Please contact us:

Nikola Buric – project manager
Mobile: +381 60 553 99 54
