Home [treninzi] Poziv za omladinsku razmenu – SUMMER ART ZOOM ROZANYSTOK 2012 –

Poziv za omladinsku razmenu – SUMMER ART ZOOM ROZANYSTOK 2012 –


olovkaInclusive Movement with its partners is looking for four participants (18-25 years old) in a youth exchange that will take place in a Rozanystok, Poland, from 13.08.2012 – 26.08.2012. Participants from Poland, Armenia, Ukraine, Albania, Romania, Spain and Serbia will participate in this youth exchange.

The main idea of the project is an intercultural education and resocialisation through art. The project will be based on the Odyssey, the epic Greek poem of Homer describing travels of Odysseus during his ten years of wandering after the fall of Troy. Exploiting a metaphor of the journey the participants will travel through the imaginary world using traditional elements of their cultures as chants, texts, etc., as well as artistic skills: dance, theatre, music, happening. The project will end up with short performance, which will be presented on the stage of The Salesian Youth Center. Each group will work on a separate adventure of Odes in a different stage technique – dance, theatre of movement, dramatic theatre, music, street theatre and happening, multimedia, costume, etc., depending on the interests and possibilities of the participants. At the end all the groups will meet to create a common performance, showing all the adventures linked together. The performance will be presented to the audience in the Salesian Youth Centre. The light motive of the journey and the Homer’s Odyssey itself will be a basis to talk about migrations of people, historic factors which contributed to the shaping of contemporary multicultural societies, as well as contemporary Europe.

100% of accommodation and food costs and 70% of the travel costs will be covered by the project.


The application should be sent to office@inkluzivnipokret.org

The deadline for applications is 1st July, 2012.