Home [treninzi] Training Course for Young Bloggers and Online Activists

Training Course for Young Bloggers and Online Activists


racunar3The Council of Europe Youth Department invites all young bloggers and online activists concerned byhuman rights violations, hate speech online, discrimination and racism to apply for the training course taking place between May and December 2012, comprising a residential seminar between 20-27 May 2012 in the European Youth Centre Budapest as a first stage in their involvement in a long term campaign against racism, xenophobia and discrimination.
Young People Combating Hate Speech On-line is a project of the Council of Europe’s youth sector to be run between 2012 and 2014.
The project aims to equip young people and youth organisations with the competences necessary to recognise and act against such human rights violations. It is a project against hate speech, racism and discrimination in their online expression. Centred around a training course and online campaigning, the project stands for action and intervention.

Further information about the project, the training course and the application process can be found in this document