Home [konkursi] Konkurs za izradu eseja na temu: “The challenges of achieving EU candidate...

Konkurs za izradu eseja na temu: “The challenges of achieving EU candidate status in my country”


film5Achieving the EU candidate status and becoming full member of the European Union, either has been or continues to be a daily concern for the Balkan countries. Lots of policies, resources and energy have been dedicated so far to this particular, but important goal for the future and development of each country.

Until now the driving force behind the process has always been politics, but time has come for young people from the region to share their own thoughts about this issue.

So we say – it is time for Plan B(alkans)!





If you are a young person, 18 – 25 years old, from one of the following countries:

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro or Serbia, and you are concerned and interested in the future of your country and its European perspective, then this is the unique opportunity for you to have your voice heard!





–   Official topic is: The challenges of achieving EU candidate status in my country

–   Each participant can submit only one essay

–   Essay should be original and not previously published

–   It should be written in English and it should present your perception about the challenges your country is/has been facing in order to achieve

EU candidate status

–   Essay should be approximately 500 words long (not longer than 700!) and saved in Microsoft Word format in following form:


–   Submission of an essay should be accompanied by document containing your brief biography and contact information

–   Submission should be made via e-mail: planbalkans@gmail.com


The deadline for essay submissions is 30. November 2011.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail by the end of December 2011.


Time for Plan B(alkans) project is opening the call for a short, snappy essays on what is your perception about the issues your country is/has been confronting in achieving the Candidate Status.


Two essay winners will be invited to present their perspectives on the debate that will round up politicians, academics, NGO representatives etc. in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the end of January 2012.


Travel, accommodation and meal expenses will be fully covered by the organizers.

They will also receive a certificate to document their participation in the Round Table.

Ten best essays will be published in the booklet that will be distributed to different parties involved in this process of European integrations of Balkan countries.



Time for Plan B(alkans) is a follow up activity organized in the framework of Leadership Development Programme 2011 www.seeyoungleaders.org that aims to create the basis for a regional cooperation platform as a new way of addressing the challenges of achieving the EU candidate status.


The Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme is organized jointly by the European Fund for the Balkans, the College of Europe and the TRANSFUSE Association.

The Programme aims to transmit knowledge about the EU and its relation to the SEE, to stimulate the leadership and professional skills of participants and to encourage an exchange of views of young people who aspire to play an active role in the future of their countries.