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Konkurs Vlade Holandije za dodelu sredstava iz Fonda za ljudska prava


muzika1Call For Applications: Human Rights Fund 2012-2015 Source: Government of The Netherlands

The available funding is part of the Human Rights Fund, which is designed to finance activities in the field of human rights supporting the priorities set out in the Dutch human rights strategy Responsible for Freedom published in April 2011, thereby furthering Dutch foreign policy objectives. Deadline for applications: September 30, 2011.


“Even now, respect for human rights is not something that we can take for granted. Around the world, the cry for respect for human rights and for democracy is growing louder, also thanks to the internet and other new media. Recent developments in the Arab region illustrate this trend. In these circumstances it is especially important to focus efforts on civil and political freedoms, and support for human rights defenders.

In the 2012 to 2015 period, our first concern is to use funds as effectively as possible in pursuit of this objective, deploying human and material resources realistically and selectively. We will also explore opportunities for an international division of labour. The Dutch Human Rights policy will focus in particular on aspects of human rights where freedom, security and prosperity are mutually reinforcing.

The Netherlands will devote special attention to:

  • freedom of expression
  • internet freedom
  • freedom of religion and belief
  • women’s rights and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) rights
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • child labour
  • protecting human rights defenders…”

For further information, please download the following pdf document

order-human-rights-fund-2012-2015.pdf 97.42 kB

To access the model applications form, please click here