Home [treninzi] EMI Training Academy, 27 June – 3 July 2011 in Brussels

EMI Training Academy, 27 June – 3 July 2011 in Brussels


netThe EMI Training Academy is a high-level, tailor-made training course on the workings of the EU institutions and on programmes available to university students.


The European Movement International, with its growing network of 43 National Councils and 31 International member associations across Europe has direct access to professionals of the EU structure at all levels, making the EMI Training Academy the perfect tool for students who want to pursue a career in EU affairs, or who want to perfect their knowledge of the EU.


During the one-week course, students meet with officials from the EU institutions, professionals from European civil society organisations and consultants based in Brussels, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.



  • Monday 27 June:  arrivals + evening dinner at a restaurant
  • Tuesday 28 June – Friday 1 July: seminars and evening dinner (+ some free afternoons to visit Brussels and surroundings)
  • Saturday 2 July: free time + evening dinner
  • Sunday 3 July: departures

Themes of lectures foreseen

  • Social Europe
  • EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood policy
  • The work of European political parties
  • The EU institutions from the inside and decision-making process (+ visits of the Institutions)
  • European Citizenship
  • Programmes available to Youth through the EU and Civil Society Organisations
  • Lobbying and Networking
  • The Role of Civil Society in the EU construction process and its future development

The EMI Training Academy is more than a professional experience, it’s also a great way to discover Brussels and to make new international contacts!


Application procedure


Applicants are required to send a full CV (including date of birth) and a motivation letter in English. All lectures are in English, so you should have a very good level of written and spoken English. You should also have a sound knowledge of the European Union, and most of all: be enthusiastic and motivated!

This training is aimed at university students only, with little or no professional experience, the age limit is therefore 30 years.


Registrations and further information


To register or for more details, please send an e-mail to mljacquemin@europeanmovement.eu


To see the report on last year’s training, please click here