Home [treninzi] Poziv za učešće na trening u Budimpešti na temu obuke EVS mentora

Poziv za učešće na trening u Budimpešti na temu obuke EVS mentora


 Napomena : radni jezik ovog treninga je engleski.
Name: UNIQUE TC ‘Facilitating the volunteers learning’ for mentors in EVS projects
Time and location: Budapest 3 – 9 May 2009
Organisers: Organised by the National Agencies of the Youth in Action Programme from Hungary, Germany Belgium-FL, Ireland and Norway. Aims of the event:  
The course aims at development of EVS mentors’ competences to support and facilitate learning processes of EVS volunteers with special focus on Learning to Learn competence
Profile of participants:

    • Active mentors in hosting organizations
    • Already completed at least one mentoring process within an EVS hosting project
    • Able to work in English
    • Open for learning and development
    • Being able to participate in the whole duration of the training course       

How to apply: Training description >>>