Home [konkursi] The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) – Putting MDGs into Action

The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) – Putting MDGs into Action


 The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) invites young designers and e-Content creators to participate in an international competition. Sought-after are e-Contents that address in an inspiring manner the UN Millennium Development Goals, and use internet and mobile contents to create awareness of the MDGs. Projects may be submitted in the following five categories:
1. Fight Poverty, Hunger and Disease !
2. Education for all !
3. Power 2 Women !
4. Create your Culture !
5. Go Green !

An application form is now available online at http://competition.youthaward.org/reg/reg.asp for all online platforms that are led by youth under the age of 30.

Deadline: Dec 31, 2008 (Midnight, GMT)

Winners will be given the opportunity to showcase their platform to heads of state, business leaders and civil society at the World Summit Award (WSA) Gala and Winners Conference in June, 2009 in Monterrey, Mexico