Home [konkursi] Feminističke stipendije za istraživanje na polju ljudskih prava i globanih pitanja

Feminističke stipendije za istraživanje na polju ljudskih prava i globanih pitanja


 Opis stipendije: As part of a commitment to develop feminist research on global issues and human rights, the Global Women's Studies Programme at National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) is pleased to announce two three-year doctoral research
fellowships (2008-2011). Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates who wish to pursue doctoral research on gender topics
addressing one or more of the following themes:

– Challenging fundamentalisms
– Globalisation and health crises
– Rights-based development
– Human rights in conflict/post-conflict contexts
– Violence against women, intersectionality, identity

The value of each scholarship is Euro 16,500 per annum for three years. In addition to pursuing their own research,
scholarship holders will undertake a small amount of teaching and other tasks related to the research activities
of the Global Women's Studies Programme.

Please note that scholarship applicants must meet the criteria for admission to doctoral study in Women's Studies
at NUIG. In addition to the minimum NUIG requirements for admission to doctoral study, it is preferable that
applicants hold a Masters degree in a relevant subject or be able to demonstrate equivalent professional preparation to
pursue doctoral level research.