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Master program Peace and Security Studies, Hamburg


 Call for Applications for the Postgraduate Masters Program "Peace and Security Studies" 2008/2009 at the University of Hamburg, Academic Network "Peace Research and Security Policy". Applications for the academic year 2008/09 must be received between December 15th, 2007 and March 15th, 2008.

More information: http://www.ifsh.de/IFSH_english/studium/mps_bewerb.htm

Invitation for Tender for the Postgraduate Master´s Course 'Peace and Security Studies'

We offer you

* The possibility to obtain a 'Master of Peace and Security Studies' in just one year. The postgraduate course 'Master of Peace and Security Policy Studies' (M.P.S.) is conducted by the University of Hamburg in cooperation with the Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH) and other scientific institutions and partners of the network 'Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik' (KoFrieS).
* A trans- and interdisciplinary orientated course. The M. P. S.-course is meant as a combination of 'hands on' and classroom-based learning. The course aims at introducing highly qualified humanities and sciences graduates from German or foreign universities as well as academically qualified, experienced practitioners to problems of peace- and security-policy and to fundamental issues relating their practical application.
* A profound preparation in order to work in peace-studies research and teaching or in practical work for national and international organisations, administrations, associations, and businesses (e. g. in the fields of peace-keeping, monitoring, verification, development aid, mediation, arbitration, conversion, administration).

We expect from you

* Interest in the fields of peace studies or peace- and security-policy.
* 240 points ECTS (usually a four-year course in no matter what discipline) and you must have achieved an honours degree at a German or foreign university.
* Preferred professional interest and scientific or practical experience in fields related to problems of peace and international security.
* Sufficient knowledge of English and German. Students may choose whether to complete coursework and examinations, including their master's thesis, in English or German. Concerning German language skills, the German Language Examination for Foreign Students´

Admission to University (Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studierender) (DSH), the examination German as a Foreign Language, or any examination of equal value are accepted. Concerning English language skills, the TOEFL (230 points/ 570 paper-based) (www.toefl.org), the IELTS (5.5), the Advanced C, or any examination of equal value are accepted. Only applicants who are German or English native speakers are not required to prove their skills in their native language.

More information about the studies

* Detailed information about the course are found at: http://www.ifsh.de/IFSH_english/studium/mps.htm or on our website under FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).
* Applicant who have already procured a scholarship (e. g. a GAES scholarship, see http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/02055.en.html or from a (political) foundation, see FAQ) may also apply.

Required documents

1. application form (available online for download) with photo
2. curriculum vitae
3. school-leaver's certificate qualifying for university (German 'Abitur' or equivalent)
4. certifications of academic degrees and, if at hand, references from previous employers
5. certificates of language skills
6. written acknowledgement of willingness to pay, assuming one's application is successful, € 500,- per semester as a contribution to expenses

Certificates and other documentary evidence must be provided in German or English. Translations must be officially certified. Only complete documents received on time will be accepted. The covering letter should be handed in with the complete post address, e-mail address, home number and cell phone number.

The distribution of financial assistance to students, where such is available, will be determined by the joint committee of the programme of study in agreement with the sponsor.

Applications for the academic year 2008/09 must be received between December 15th, 2007 and March 15th, 2008.

Written applications to:

Kooperationsverband Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik

Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans J. Giessmann
z. Hd. Frau Annelisa Cotone
Beim Schlump 83
D-20144 Hamburg

Please direct any inquiries to:

Dr. Patricia Schneider from the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH)
Beim Schlump 83, D-20144 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40-866077-20
Telefax: +49 (0)40-866 36 15
E-mail: schneider@ifsh.de