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Evropski Forum Alpbach


For the Closing Discussion of the Alpbach Perspectives (21.08.2013) we are looking for four young Europeans (up to the age of 30) who want to share their experiences regarding the social and economical developments of the past years with us in Alpbach. High – ranking Austrian and European politicians will join the discussion. Please find further information on our website http://www.alpbach.org/call (Deadline: May 10, 2013)

Furthermore we are organising a Science Slam on “Sustainable Cities”, which will be part of the Alpbach Built Environment Symposium (30.08.2013). This call aims at young, dedicated scientists and practitioners who are working on the topic of urban sustainability and who would like to present their projects and ideas in creative ways. Please find further information on our website http://www.alpbach.org/scienceslam (Deadline: April 30, 2013)