Home [treninzi] Partnership Programme on European Youth Worker Training

Partnership Programme on European Youth Worker Training


svetskabanka.jpgApplication deadline: July 15, 2007 The Partnership Programme between the European Commission and the Council of Europe is a training programme promoting common values such as human rights,pluralist democracy, active citizenship and European co-operation.

Both institutions are active in the field of youth worker training in different ways and using different tools. The courses are run in co-operation with the SALTO TR RC and they will be implemented by the network of National Agencies of the Youth In Action Programme.

The training courses on European Citizenship aim to support the professional development of youth workers and youth leaders by extending their critical understanding of European Citizenship, exploring and experiencing its potential and by enabling them to recognise and integrate European Citizenship in their youth work.

The course is intended to address individuals working with young people in a professional capacity on a paid or voluntary basis (e.g. youth workers, youth leaders, community and social workers, teachers), who:
– Have experience in directly developing and managing a project with and for young people
– Have organised or co-organised at least one youth project with a European dimension
– Are committed and motivated to work directly with young people on issues related to European Citizenship
– Are supported by their organisation in their current and future work
– Have a general knowledge and understanding of youth and youth work realities in their contexts
– Are motivated to undergo training and able to attend the course for its full duration
– Are able to work in English
– Are resident in a Member State of the Council of Europe or in another country signatory to the European Cultural Convention.

Participation in these Training Courses will be free of charge for the selected participants (travel, visa and accommodation costs will be covered by the Partnership and/or the National Agencies, according to your country of origin).

How to apply:
If you are a national from one of the so-called Neighbouring Partner Countries in Eastern Europe and Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine) and in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Serbia), please apply through the online application form: http://www.extraweb.coe.int/team40/citizenship/default.aspx.

If you are national from one of the so-called Programme countries (i.e. where there is a National Agency of the Youth in Action Programme), please follow the procedure described on SALTO webpage: http://www.salto-youth.net/EuropeanCitizenship/.

More information
E-mail: TrainingAndCooperation@salto-youth.net
Web: http://www.salto-youth.net/EuropeanCitizenship/