Home [treninzi] International Youth Conference, Macedonia

International Youth Conference, Macedonia


kul3The need of active involvement of youth leaders from the region of SE Europe in mutual action towards speeding up the process of European integration was the main driving force for initiating this project and nevertheless assurance was gained by the already established base of cooperation through the previous conferences, which facilitates the process and contributes to achieving more effective results.

The Conference “European values for the Future of SEE” rose from a youth initiative from 2003 and it in continuance transforms in an event which has big influence in the youth flows and is cooperating with a numerous serious and youth NGOs.

Thorough exchanging of mutual thoughts, ideas and experience is necessary for the creation of serious youth platform whose members, using different mechanisms of lobbing, will influence and speed up the process of European integration.

Becoming aware of the need for confirmation on common vision and determination for cooperation among youth on the Balkans, overcoming the prejudices, mutual respect and strong energy for achieving the democratic values needed for Europeanization of the SEE region, since 2003 we started a regional cross border network of relevant NGOs, that will support and give a new vision to the process of promoting European values in reality of active young people in the region. The regional cooperation is significant and maybe main condition for faster Euro integration of the SEE countries, especially for West Balkan countries. One country cannot be stable and progressive if the environment is unstable and underdeveloped. Overcoming the current conflicts and prejudices from the past, creating a new vision for cooperation, breaking the barriers, represents a base for successful support of the integration process.
