Home [konkursi] Be a part of Europe 2057

Be a part of Europe 2057


Stipendija obuhvata troskove smestaja sa doruckom, ucesca i pokrice troskova vize i osiguranja. Svi tekstovi podneti do 10. juna 2007 na alpbach.belgrad@ yahoo.com bice predlozeni za publikaciju “Europe 2057 – 100 inspirations” – vise u nastavku.

This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the European Economic Community , later developed to the European Union. Many events take place, but only few which deal with the future of Europe . But nobody thinks 50 years ahead – what will a united Europe be like when its 100th birthday is celebrated (a time, when we all, hopefully, will still be alive).

Do you have an idea what Europe will be like in the year 2057? Are there thoughts you would like to share and discuss? The European Forum Alpbach has always been a forum for visionary ideas.
Due to that, the Austrian association “demokratiemorgen” (transl: “democracy tomorrow”) which fosters public discussions about the really big future topics for politics, has initiated this project

Please send us your short contributions of no more than 3000 characters (including blanks) and your contact data in a Word File (.doc or .rtf) via E-mail to: alpbach.belgrad@ yahoo.com, more about us on www.alpbach. org and www.beoalpbach. org

The deadline for contributions and for voting is June 10th, 2007.

The 100 top-ranked contributions will be published by the end auf August entitled

“ Europe 2057 – 100 inspirations”

A presentation event is scheduled at the European Forum 2007 in Alpbach.

Please select one of the following categories for your contribution:

The role of Europe in the world
The internal organisation of the EU, the role of the member states and regions
Internal and external security
Education and lifelong learning
Culture and media
Economy, work and social security
Social coherence in European society
The role of citizens in Europe – the future of European democracy
Any other topic not fitting into these categories

If your text is published in the book “Europe2057”, two issues of the book will be sent to you, the author, free of charge to your postal address. For this purpose we need the following data from you:



ZIP Code and Town:


Your age (in years) on Aug 31st 2007 (to be published along with your article):

Please fill in these lines so that we can you inform about the further progress of the project:

Your e-mail address (for direct information on the progress of the project):

Your telephone number:

Legal statements (please copy and paste the following text into your reply)

I, as the author of my contribution, agree by submitting in my text that it can be published by naming the author in printed (book, newspaper, promotion materials) as well as in online media for all purposes pertaining to the project Europe2057. All legal questions concerning the book publication are subject to the general terms and business conditions (“AGB”) of Czernin Verlag under Austrian civil law.