Home [konkursi] British Council – Living Together competition

British Council – Living Together competition


 September 2008 – March 2009
The theme for this competition is Intercultural Dialogue
We challenge you to produce photographs that capture what migration might mean to you and which respond to one of the following briefs:
1.New faces new places.
2. A sense of home.
3. Migration – a new phenomenon? Through photography, the competition aims to encourage a creative dialogue about the impact of migration on societies throughout Europe and neighbouring countries, with a focus on South East Europe, and the participation of minority communities in public life.

We want to see your creative response to issues affecting young people. This competition is open to residents in the following countries:
Albania, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Israel, Kosovo, (FYR) Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, United Kingdom.

Upload your entries and be in with a chance to have your photo exhibited as part of the Living Together Congress in 2009.

The competition is open to anyone aged 13 – 35 resident in the countries mentioned above. Let's make this a competition to remember!

More information here: http://livingtogether-competition.britishcouncil.org