Home [konkursi] Open Source Web Design Contest

Open Source Web Design Contest


 Event: Open Source Web Design Contest (Website ). Organized By: Open Web Design. Key Dates:Deadline for submission of Web Design: April 1, 2008. Open Web Design is hosting a web design contest for designers of all ages from all around the world as a way to show off design talent and to have some fun. The theme for this years contest is "Spring Design". Criteria for the Event:
Design: The requirements set forth for designers for this contest include the following: the website design must be considered Web 2.0 and the site's theme must have a definite tie to the spring season.
Accessibility/Usability:Basic techniques to enhance usability need to be used throughout the whole design. Clearly label links and images for easy use in both text and graphical browsers. Only one HTML page is required per submission, but links should be placed so users can easily navigate a full website. Your design should also be usable on a number of different platforms and screen resolutions.
Code Quality: Judges will go through code for each entry, so having properly formatted code will help them. All entries will validate on the w3 validator, no exceptions. Using bandwidth efficiently to display your HTML and graphics will get more points, but that doesn't mean that the smaller designs will get always get more points. Using CSS classes for better modifiability is a bonus as well.

Prizes for the contest:

1st place – $1000
2nd place – $600
3rd place – $400